20 Words You Won't Learn in School

Aug 21, 2024

Learning a language in school often focuses on formal vocabulary and grammar, but everyday conversations are filled with words and expressions that rarely make it into textbooks. These words, often rooted in slang, pop culture, or niche communities, can add a layer of authenticity and color to your language skills. In this blog post, we'll explore 20 words you won't typically learn in school but are essential for navigating the real world.


1. Binge-watch


Meaning: To watch multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting.

Example: I spent the weekend binge-watching my favorite series.

This term has gained popularity with the rise of streaming services like Netflix, where entire seasons of shows are available at once.


2. Ghosting


Meaning: The act of suddenly cutting off all communication with someone without explanation.

Example: He started ghosting me after our third date.

Ghosting is a modern phenomenon, particularly in the context of online dating or friendships.




Meaning: Acronym for "Fear Of Missing Out," the anxiety that others are having fun without you.

Example: I went to the party because of FOMO.

This term captures the feeling many experience in the age of social media.


4. Bougie


Meaning: Short for bourgeois, used to describe someone or something that is fancy or high-class in a pretentious way.

Example: She only shops at bougie boutiques.

Originally a term with Marxist roots, "bougie" has been adapted into modern slang.


5. Adulting


Meaning: The practice of behaving in a responsible, grown-up manner.

Example: Paying bills is the worst part of adulting.

"Adulting" is often used humorously to describe the mundane tasks associated with adulthood.


6. Stan


Meaning: An extremely enthusiastic and devoted fan.

Example: I stan that singer so hard!

The term originated from the 2000 Eminem song "Stan" and has since been adopted by fandom culture.


7. Flex


Meaning: To show off or boast, often used in the context of material possessions or achievements.

Example: He's always flexing his new car on Instagram.

"Flex" is a term popularized in hip-hop culture but is now widely used in social media.


8. Tea


Meaning: Gossip or personal information that is juicy or scandalous.

Example: Spill the tea! What happened at the party?

"Tea" is a slang term rooted in drag culture and popularized by social media.


9. Salty


Meaning: Bitter or upset, often over something trivial.

Example: She was salty after losing the game.

This term has evolved from its literal meaning to describe a specific emotional state.


10. Woke


Meaning: Being aware of social injustices and inequalities, particularly those related to race and gender.

Example: Staying woke means constantly educating yourself about systemic issues.

"Woke" began as a term in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and has since become a mainstream concept.


11. Low-key


Meaning: Subtle, not too obvious, or understated.

Example: I’m low-key excited about the trip.

"Low-key" is often used to downplay feelings or actions, making them seem less intense.


12. Clapback


Meaning: A sharp, witty, or aggressive retort to criticism.

Example: Her clapback at the rude comment was perfect.

"Clapback" is commonly used in the context of online arguments or social media exchanges.


13. Extra


Meaning: Over-the-top, excessive, or dramatic behavior.

Example: She’s so extra with her birthday celebrations.

This term is often used to describe someone who goes beyond what is necessary or expected.


14. Ghostwriter


Meaning: A person who writes for another person, often without receiving credit.

Example: Many celebrities use ghostwriters for their autobiographies.

While not entirely slang, "ghostwriter" is a term that is more common in certain industries, like publishing and music.


15. Shade


Meaning: A subtle, often indirect, insult or criticism.

Example: Did you catch the shade she threw at her ex?

"Shade" has origins in the LGBTQ+ and drag communities and has since become mainstream.


16. Glamping


Meaning: A blend of "glamorous" and "camping," referring to a luxurious form of camping.

Example: We’re going glamping this weekend in a yurt.

Glamping is a popular trend that merges the experience of being outdoors with the comfort of luxury accommodations.


17. Cringe


Meaning: An uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness.

Example: That awkward moment was so cringe.

"Cringe" has become a way to describe anything that causes second-hand embarrassment.


18. Simp


Meaning: A person, usually a man, who is overly submissive or attentive to someone they are attracted to, often to the point of self-degradation.

Example: He's simping hard for her.

The term "simp" has gained popularity in online communities, especially on platforms like TikTok.


19. Lit


Meaning: Exciting, excellent, or energetic; often used to describe parties or events.

Example: The concert last night was lit!

"Lit" has evolved from its original meaning of being under the influence to a broader positive descriptor.


20. Yeet


Meaning: To throw something with force, or as an exclamation of excitement.

Example: He yeeted the ball across the field.

"Yeet" is a relatively new slang term that has become popular among younger generations.


These 20 words represent just a small sample of the vast and ever-evolving landscape of English slang and informal language. While you might not learn these words in a traditional classroom, understanding and using them can help you navigate real-world conversations with greater ease and authenticity. Incorporate these terms into your vocabulary, and you'll be better equipped to connect with native speakers and engage in contemporary dialogues. Remember, language is as much about culture and context as it is about rules and structures, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with these new words!

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